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How to Customize Privacy Shortcuts on Facebook

To change the Privacy settings and customize them looks complicated sometimes. For the ease of Facebook user and to add more flexibility in Facebook experience Facebook has made available the Privacy settings options in the form of shortcuts on the right hand side of the profile name. Please see the screenshot to view the dropdown menu of privacy shortcuts.

Privacy Shortcuts on Facebook

For the three options, shown in the screenshot, you will further find more sub options in the drop down menu. 

1. Who Can See My Stuff option?

Timeline View Customization

a) Who Can See My Future Posts?

You can set the privacy settings according to the visibility you want. The options are 

Public: Your posts will be visible to all.

Friends of Friends : The posts will be visible to only Friends of Friends

Friends: Your future posts will be visible to only your friends.

Custom : You can customize the settings to allow or hide your posts from specific people or you can choose to Only Me. But if you limit your posts to yourself only, there is no need to join Facebook..:-).

b) Where Can I review All My Posts and Things I am tagged In?

Here, Facebook has provided a direct link for the activity log where you can review the posts you are tagged in.

c) What do other People See on My Timeline?

Now you can enter the name of the person, to check how your timeline looks to that person. After customization of privacy settings, you need to check whether you have applied correct desired settings or not? This comes under View As section. This procedure is made easier by Privacy Shortcuts now. 

2. Who Can Contact Me Option -

Earlier Facebook User could set who can contact settings as Friends of Friends, Anyone, which is now avialable on Shortcuts for Privacy Settings

Who Can Connect Privacy Shortcut

i ] Whose Messages do I want Filtered Into My Inbox?

a) Basic Filtering : Facebook has recommended this feature, which allows Friends and people you may know (people having mutual friends) to send messages to you. 

b)Strict Filtering Mostly just Friends can send you Messages.

ii ] Who Can Send Me (me means Facebook User..:-) ) Friend Request?

You can choose public or Friend of Friends option to allow people to send you friend request. You can't completely disable Friend Request option.   

3. How Do I Stop Someone From Bothering Me?

How to Unfriend or Block Someone - Privacy Shortcuts

Remember the feature of blocking? Yes! It's the same feature you can simply enter the name of the person you wish to block or wish to unfriend

Additionally, you can see the list of all Blocked Users directly from the Privacy Shortcuts. 

Please visit the Detailed Customization of Privacy Settings  for the complete guide about Privacy Settings. 

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