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Social Media Considerations Before Finalizing Brand Name

A four-step guide to simplify your process of choosing your brand name with essential social media marketing and branding considerations.

Join Facebook and Enter The New World of Opportunities

Most of you must be already using Facebook , but still there are many people who do not use Facebook. Many people say that Facebook is not safe and that was the reason, I was also not joining Facebook. But Facebook is the world of opportunities. So, join it if you are seriously interested in marketing by Social Media.

Joining is very simple, just fill up the Sign up page and you are ready to share your thoughts with the Facebook world.

After joining Facebook, you can invite your friends from  your mail addresses, this is also safe.

Search the friends you already know, from the search box, enter their name in the search box at the top of the Facebook and you will get many people from the list of search results which are of similar name of your friends. Reading the 'about' section of their profile, will give  you the info about the right profile you are searching for. 

Don't forget to send a personalized private message with your friend's request. Just add a few lines about why do you wish to become friend of a particular person. This will build the trust and it will be easy for the people to accept your friend's request. If they don't know you already, by your message they won't feel anything wrong or suspicious about your intention to become their friends. Celebrities, political leaders, journalists, or anybody who has too many friend's requests, for them it become easy to accept your request, as they know your intention by your personal message.

Don’t take the risk to send request to too many friends, Facebook may think as attempt of spamming or if anybody complains your ‘Sending request’ facility may get banned for seven days or one month. 

Then update your info, your education, your work, your interest. Do fill all these sections , because Facebook is your virtual personality, just like our personality makes an impression on others  minds, your Facebook profile is what people going to see before making you as a friend. So your first impression should be very professional, unique. Add your website, this will drive traffic to your website. 

One section in Your Info is ‘Favourite Quotations’, add some motivational quotes, that you really believe, which will spark  in the minds of your friends, or anybody who is connecting with you for business purpose or friendship.

Then comes your ‘Account Settings’ . You can find  them at the top right corner, near ‘Home’ Section, 

Carefully set the Account Settings.

Account Settings  :

General : 

Name :

  Enter Your First Name, Last Name, Alternate Name.
Alternate name is which is shown in brackets after your main name.
Username  :  When you start your Facebook Account your username by default appears as Facebook.com/ 3442342349817289343243873 some no.s I have put these no. at random, they do not belong to any account.  Set your username in such a way it will be easy to remember  for everybody. My name is Facebook.com/mohinipuranik.

Email :

Set your  primary Email, Email, associated with your account, where notifications are sent. If you feel confused, don’t worry. You don’t need to go into this much detail at the beginning.

Password :

You can change your password anytime you want, by going at this section.

Networks :

You can join School, College or Work Network. We will share details about this section later on.

Language :

Set your language. 

So, your account is ready now, to share your  status means your thoughts, links, videos, photos.  You can make changes in account settings, by the same procedure, written above, anytime.  We will share about the rest of the settings in next chapters.

For now, focus on building your online identity.  Build relation of trust by posting on your wall, interacting with your friends. Those who like your status, link or video, don’t forget to thank them. Politeness and Thanksgiving are the best means to build the true friendship.  People in your network are becoming your friends, don’t  think them as your customers from the beginning. Read posts from your friends, like them, comment them. If you see a nice pic, so cool update which made you smile, some inspirational post, share them on your timeline, give thanks to the person who posted it.  This is all the the beginning of Facebook Marketing.

Remember, in marketing, first you are marketing yourself, then your skills and finally your product. So, by joining Facebook you are making friends, you are marketing yourself.