Yesterday we saw, General Settings section in the account
settings. Now, the most important part to keep your account secured is security
settings. This is a short tutorial
because too much info about Facebook may lead to the confusion. Set your
security settings carefully.
Once you are done with security and privacy settings we can
move to your Like page creation and Facebook Marketing.
Let’s go to your Account Settings first.
Secure Browsing :
Enable Secure browsing. When you enable
this feature, your address http will be replaced by https which means secured
browsing. Your password is safe in securing browsing. Always check for secured browsing means https
for other sites too like mailing,
banking sites. Check the address bar and you will see, https instead of http.
Enable Email and text
message notifications in this section. Once you enable notifications, every time
you or anybody try to access your account, Facebook will ask for Device name
through which you are accessing Facebook e.g. Work, Home . The benefit of this
setting is that if someone try to access your account through some unrecognized
device, you will be notified immediately through mail and text message, you can
immediately check the security of your Facebook account.
You get the instruction to enter device name as shown in the screen shot.
Apps Passwords :
They are the one time passwords you can use
to login to your apps. By this time if you are new to Facebook, you must not be
knowing too much about apps. So we can skip this info and will try to discuss
in the relevant article.
Recognized Devices :
As mentioned earlier, every time you log in to your Facebook account, you have
to enter device name and it will be registered in the recognized devices
section of security settings. You can store 100 device names at max. If you go
beyond 100 names, you can remove names, by reaching here again.
Active Session :
shows the login info which means the location from which you are logging in.
The last option is
'Deactivate your Facebook Account', which
you surely are not going to click right
now, because you have joined for Facebook Facebook Marketing.